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Quantum communications and femtotechnologies (Master's program)

The program is intended for students specializing in the field of optical and quantum technologies of transmission, recording and processing of information, optical and quantum systems of artificial intelligence, the use of laser systems of high-intensity ultrashort pulses, Photonics and Optoinformatics, femtomedicine and Biophotonics. Undergraduates are trained in such profile disciplines of the program as: «Quantum Informatics», «Optical communication lines and quantum communications», «Optical systems of recording, storage and display of information», «Materials and technologies of integrated and fiber optics», «Femtosecond optics and femtotechnologies», «Biophotonics», «Physical bases of nanotechnologies of Photonics and Optoinformatics», «Mathematical methods of computer technologies in scientific research».


The purpose of the program - training for modern areas of innovation:

Ø development and application of femtotechnology in the creation of ultrafast Photonics systems and devices, including in medicine and Biophotonics;

Ø development of optical and quantum technologies for ultra-fast and safe transmission and recording of information;

Ø development of artificial intelligence systems and other information and telecommunication systems of the new generation.


To achieve this goal, the curriculum is designed in such a way that two main tasks are solved in parallel during the learning process:

1. Students acquire fundamental and applied knowledge in the field of optical and quantum physics, including the physics of interaction of intensive study of ultrashort duration with matter in its various States, as well as the physics of low-intensity radiation and the possibility of its use in quantum computer systems.

2. Formation of students abilities and skills to apply this knowledge to the development, creation, implementation and operation of Photonics systems and devices based on quantum technologies and femtotechnologies.


The educational program «Quantum communications and femtotechnologies» is aimed at training specialists for the most modern high-tech areas of scientific and technical activities related to the use of new generation information technologies based on optical and quantum principles. The relevance of the program is due to the need to create and operate the latest systems of transmission, recording, storage and protection of information, as well as the increasing use of femtosecond radiation in biology, medicine, Biophotonics. It is important that more than 50% of the study time undergraduates spend in the research laboratories of the International Institute «Photonics and Optical Information Technology», Almazov Center, and innovative industrial companies, such as «Quantum Telecommunications». Here students acquire practical skills in the implementation of projects ordered by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, as well as leading industrial enterprises. The received education gives the chance to graduates to conduct research and engineering activity in the following areas:

·      creation and operation of optical and quantum devices and systems of information transmission, processing and recording;

·      creation and operation of lasers and laser systems for various purposes;

·      development and application of holographic technologies, including medicine, biology, art, food industry technologies;

·      software development for Photonics and Optoinformatics systems;

·      development of algorithms and programs for the calculation of scientific and innovative problems on supercomputers.


Graduates are in demand in the following areas of Photonics and Optoinformatics: the creation and operation of optical and quantum devices and systems of transmission, processing and recording of information; the creation and operation of lasers and laser systems for various purposes, including the use of femtosecond technologies; the creation and operation of fiber-quantum communications and networks; the development and application of holographic technologies; software development in the creation of Photonics and Optoinformatics. Graduates can carry out professional activities as scientists, research engineers, design engineers, communications engineers and other specialists in this field. Graduates work in leading Russian and foreign scientific centers, laboratories, companies such as: «Quantum Telecommunications», «Rostelecom», «Corning», «Laser technology», «LASER center», «Amethyst Laser», «Comet», «LOMO», «GOI S.I. Vavilov», «Spetspostavka», «Institute of physics and technology A.F.Ioffe» et al.


While studying, students have the opportunity to participate in a joint educational program with the University of Rochester (Rochester, state of New York, USA). The second year of study, with participation in the program, takes place at the University of Rochester. After graduation, students have the opportunity to receive two diplomas of higher education: master degree at the University of Rochester and master's degree at ITMO University. This is a unique opportunity not only to attend classes of world-renowned scientists, but also to get acquainted with the culture of the country and establish future professional ties.


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2015 Department of Information Technology